Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ubuntu LibreOffice Calc graphs to LateX

Here is how it is done!

  1. The first thing to do is to get the graph's size
    • selce your graph, right click on it and choose "Position and Size"
    • Get a printscreen or memorize the size values
  2. Copy the graph and open LibreOffice Draw and paste the graph there.
  3. Go to Format->Page and change the Width and Height using the above graph sizes
  4. Move the graph so that it fits perfectly on to the page.
  5. Finally, go to File->Export as PDF
    • Better to choose lossless compression
  6. Now you can use this pdf file in your .tex document

If you want to use grayscale pdf in your latex document there are some ways to convert the pdf into grayscale.


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