First of all, the credit should go to Link and I am just copying from there.
- Install Macports from here; follow any additional steps stated by them.
- After installing Macports, type the following on the terminal
- Install TeXShop if you do not already have it.
- Open preferences in TeXShop and select "Set Default Values". In the drop down menu, choose Legacy pTeX (Shift JIS)
- Save your tex file using Japanese SJIS encoding.
- Press "Typeset" to build your file
- If things are not working try the following.
- modify the file “/Users/<your account>/Library/TeXShop/bin/platex2pdf-euc” to change path to “opt” instead of “usr”. That is
to [export PATH=$PATH:/opt/local/bin:/usr/local/teTeX/bin]
- If fontspec is needed:
sudo tlmgr install fontspec
- Here is a sample code
%\documentclass[twocolumn,11pt]{jarticle} %In case two column layout
\usepackage{graphicx} %for including graphics
\author{ 僕の名前 }
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