Friday, December 19, 2014

Matlab R2014a on Mac Maverick Retina Display

Hi guys,

  • I think you have also encountered that the Matlab GUI is blurry. 
  • The reason for this is that previous versions of Matlab like R2013b (and R2014a) includes a Java runtime (JRE) on the package itself, which however does not support the new features like Retina displays.
  • As a workaround, you can install the latest JRE and make Matlab point to this JRE.
  • This is how it is done. Credit should go to original contributors; I am just putting the links here.
    • Install latest JRE from link (you can choose jre-7u71-macosx-x64.dmg); may be you want to restart the machine.
    • Create an AppleScript with the following script and save it as app. Note that all the code needs to be in one line.
do shell script "export MATLAB_JAVA=\"/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home\"" & "; export MATLAB_USE_USERWORK=1" & ";/Applications/ -desktop &> /dev/null &"
      • To create an AppleScript: Finder->Applications and find for AppleScript Editor (find within applications; not "This Mac") and paste the above script
      • Save it as an app.
    • If you would like to change its icon, 
      • select app in Finder and open app directory through “Show Package Contents”
      • go to Contents/Resources and copy/paste the new icon (.icns file) onto applet.icns (you can find Matlab icons from Matlab application folder itself)
      • the above steps themselves do not work usually, so do the following as well.
      • select the app, again in Finder and this time, click on “Get Info”
      • select the app icon at the top - a blue outline will appear
      • copy the icon (.icns file) onto this outlined icon (command-v)
      • now, check the .app directory using a terminal - “ls -la”
      • the “Icon?” file should be there
      • delete this file - “rm Icon^M”
      • immediately, the app should have the copied icon beside it in the Finder
Credit should go to


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